Compendium Deluxe 2
LSD and 17bit Compendium Deluxe - Volume II.iso
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893 lines
; Use LMB to Quit, RMB for ZOOMING
* 320 * 200 * 4 Piccy zoomer by phagex, optimised to fuck, but watch for *
* AGA 8-bitplane zoomer!!! *
* Basically first of all, all necessary data is pre-calculated into tables *
* as there would be no free VBL time to do it live. Tables contain *
* co-ordinates for each zoom size of 0 to 159, these co-ordinates specify *
* (for zooming into) where the piccy should be scrolled outwards, and where *
* a new line should be placed to fill the gap left by the scrolling. This *
* process of scrolling and blitting a couple of lines is a LOT faster than *
* it would be blitting EACH line at a different position (like my earlier *
* efforts! i couldnt even blit 1 bitplane without slooow down!). To do the *
* Y axis even less is involved, all thats done is there is a modulo copper *
* setting on each copper line, and the modulos are set to miss out no-lines *
* or several, depending on the zoom size! if only X axis could be done that *
* way also!! For zooming away from, scrolling is just used, the X pos *
* that is scrolled is just picked up from a table, just like zooming into. *
* Simple really! (hard to think of though!) *
* I've documented this source, but not as well as i could have, sorry but *
* aint got that much time! *
Opt c-
Section "Zoomer Code",Code_c
Screen = $c0000 ; Main memory base for piccy buffers!!
IncDir Df1:
Start Movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
Bsr KillSys
Bsr InitCopper
Lea ScreenBase(pc),a0
Move.l #Screen,0(a0)
Move.l #Screen+$7e40,4(a0)
Lea SizeVal(pc),a0
Move.w #0,(a0)
Lea ZoomCopper(pc),a0
Move.l a0,$Dff080
Move.w #$87c0,$Dff096
Bsr TabInit
Lea CopperBCon(pc),a0
Move.w #$4200,2(a0) ; Switch on bitplanes
Bsr StartZoom ; Do zoom Loop
Lea CopperBCon(pc),a0
Move.w #$0200,2(a0) ; Switch off bitplanes
Bsr ReturnSys
Movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
Moveq #0,d0
InitCopper Move.w #$2c01,d0
Move.w #$fffe,d1
Move.l #$01080078,d2
Move.l #$010a0078,d3
Move.w #$0100,d4
Move.w #$f507,d5
Lea CopperMods(pc),a0
Move.l a0,a2
Move.w #200,d7
CopLoop1 Move.w d0,(a0)+ ; Setup the copper with
Move.w d1,(a0)+ ; plenty of Modulo
Move.l d2,(a0)+ ; pointers...
Move.l d3,(a0)+
Dbf d7,CopLoop1
Move.l a2,a0
Move.w #$3e,d0
Move.w #201,d1
CWaitLoop Add.w #1,d0 ; Set the copperlist wait
Move.b d0,(a0) ; instructions.
Cmpi.w #$100,d0
Bne PalCopper
Move.w #$ffe1,(a0) ; do PAL as well
Move.w #0,d0
PalCopper Add.l #12,a0
Dbf d1,CWaitLoop
Move.l ScreenBase(pc),a0
Move.l a0,a1
Add.l #$7e40*2,a1
ClearScreen Move.l #0,(a0)+ ; Simple Clear screen Loop
Cmp.l a0,a1
Bne ClearScreen
Move.l ScreenBase(pc),d2
Lea CopperBPLS(pc),a0
Moveq #3,d1
SetBPLLoop Move.l d2,d0 ; Set main bitplane
Move d0,6(a0) ; pointers
Swap d0
Move d0,2(a0)
Add.l #$a0,d2
Lea 8(a0),a0
Dbf d1,SetBPLLoop
Lea PiccyCols(pc),a0
Lea CopperCols(pc),a1
Moveq #15,d0
CopyCols Move.w (a0)+,2(a1) ; Copy palette colours
Addq #4,a1
Dbf d0,CopyCols
WaitBlitter Btst #$6,$Dff002
Bne WaitBlitter
Lea $Dff000,a6
StartZoom Lea SizeVal(pc),a0 ; Set zoomsize to 0
Move.w #0,(a0)
ZoomOut Btst #6,$Bfe001 ; Exit if Left mousey pressed
Beq EndZoom
Btst #2,$Dff016 ; Do zoom if right pressed
Bne ZoomOut
Move SizeVal(pc),d0
Move.l ScreenBase(pc),a0
Lea 160(a0),a0 ; Find Screen base data
Move.l ScreenBase1(pc),a1
Lea 160(a1),a1
Lea VarList(pc),a4
Add.l #ZoomBitmap-VarList,a4
Bsr DoZoomOut ; Do Zoom blitting GFX
Bsr VBL ; wait Vert Blank
Bsr DoZoomCalc ; Calculate copperlist
; bitplanes!
Lea SizeVal(pc),a0
Addq.w #1,(a0) ; Add 1 to Zoomsize
Cmpi.w #160,(a0)
Blt ZoomOut
Subq.w #1,(a0)
ZoomIn Btst #6,$Bfe001 ; This lot does same as above
Beq EndZoom ; only for zooming IN this
Btst #2,$Dff016 ; time...
Bne ZoomIn ;
Move.w SizeVal(pc),d0
Move.l ScreenBase(pc),a0
Lea 160(a0),a0
Move.l ScreenBase1(pc),a1
Lea 160(a1),a1
Bsr DoZoomIn
Bsr DoZoomCalc
Lea SizeVal(pc),a0
Subq #1,(a0)
Bpl ZoomIn
Bra StartZoom
EndZoom Rts
VBL Move.l $Dff004,d0
And.l #$1ff00,d0
Cmp.l #$13000,d0
DoZoomCalc Lea ScreenBase(pc),a0
Move.l 0(a0),d0 ; Double buffer Base pointers
Move.l 4(a0),d1
Move.l d0,4(a0)
Move.l d1,0(a0)
Lea CopperBPLS(pc),a0
Moveq #3,d7
SetBPLoop Move.l d1,d2 ; Set next BPLS
Move.w d2,6(a0)
Swap d2
Move.w d2,2(a0)
Addq #8,a0
Add.l #40,d1
Dbf d7,SetBPLoop
Lea CopperMods+6(pc),a0
Move.l a0,d0
Lea $Dff000,a6
Bsr WaitBlitter
Move.l d0,$54(a6) ; Blitter clear buffer
Move.w #-40,$74(a6)
Move.w #10,$66(a6)
Move.l #$ffffffff,$44(a6)
Move.l #$01f00000,$40(a6)
Move.w #$3241,$58(a6)
Move.w SizeVal(pc),d1 ; Get zoomsize value
Add.w d1,d1
Add.w d1,d1
Lea ModTabList(pc),a0
Move.l (a0,d1.w),a0 ; find modulo for size val
Move.w (a0)+,d1
Move.w (a0)+,d2
Beq NextBlit
Lsl.w #6,d2
Addq.w #1,d2 ; Work out blitter size
Ext.l d1
Add.l d0,d1
Bsr WaitBlitter ; Copy block of modulos
Move.l a0,$50(a6)
Move.l d1,$54(a6)
Move.l #$09f00000,$40(a6)
Move.w #0,$64(a6)
Move.w d2,$58(a6)
NextBlit Bsr WaitBlitter ; Same or other block to
Move.l d0,$50(a6) ; blit copy modulo sizes
Addq.l #4,d0
Move.l d0,$54(a6)
Move.w #10,$64(a6)
Move.l #$09f00000,$40(a6)
Move.w #$3241,$58(a6)
Bsr WaitBlitter
TabInit Lea ZoomerTab(pc),a0
Lea BitMapTab(pc),a1
Moveq #15,d0 ; Initialise main data Tables
TabInitLoop1 Lea WordTab(pc),a2
Move.w (a1)+,d1
Move.w #9,d2
TabInitLoop2 Move.w (a2)+,d3
Asl.w #4,d3
Add.w d1,d3
Move.w d3,(a0)+
Dbf d2,TabInitLoop2
Dbf d0,TabInitLoop1
Lea LineBaseTab(pc),a0
Move.w #159,d0
Move.w #2000,d1
TabInitLoop3 Move.w d1,(a0)+
Dbf d0,TabInitLoop3
Lea ZoomerTab(pc),a0
Lea ColCalcTab(pc),a1
Lea LineBaseTab(pc),a2
Move.w #0,d0
TabInitLoop4 Move.w (a0,d0.w),d1
Moveq #-2,d2
TabInitLoop5 Addq.w #2,d2
Cmp.w (a2,d2.w),d1
Bgt TabInitLoop5
Lea 318(a2),a3
Lea (a2,d2.w),a4
TabInitLoop6 Move.w -(a3),2(a3)
Cmpa.l a4,a3
Bhi TabInitLoop6
Move.w d1,(a4)
Lsr.w #1,d2
Move.w d2,(a1)+
Addq.w #2,d0
Cmp.w #160*2,d0
Blo TabInitLoop4
Lea PicZoomList(pc),a2
Move.w #0,(a2)+
Move.w #120,d0
Move.w #160,d1
Move.w #200,d2
TabInitLoop10 Move.w d0,(a2)+
Add.w d1,d0
Dbf d2,TabInitLoop10
Lea ModuloTab(pc),a0
Lea ModTabList(pc),a1
Lea PicZoomList(pc),a2
Moveq #1,d7
Move.l a0,(a1)+
Move.l #0,(a0)+
TabInitLoop9 Move.l a0,(a1)+
Moveq #0,d6
Move.w d7,d0
Move.w d7,d2
Mulu #$a000,d0
Move.l #$640000,d1
Sub.l d0,d1
Swap d1
Add.w d1,d1
Add.w d1,d1
Add.w d1,d6
Add.w d1,d1
Add.w d1,d6
Add.l d0,d0
Swap d0
Move.l #$a000,d1
divu d2,d1
Swap d1
Move.w #0,d1
Lsr.l #8,d1
Moveq #0,d2
Moveq #0,d4
Move.w d6,(a0)+
Move.w d0,(a0)+
Addq.w #1,-2(a0)
Bra TabInitLoop7
TabInitLoop8 Add.l d1,d2
Swap d2
Move.w d2,d3
Sub.w d4,d3
Add.w d3,d3
Move.w (a2,d3.w),(a0)+
Move.w d2,d4
Swap d2
TabInitLoop7 Dbf d0,TabInitLoop8
Move.w #201,d3
Sub.w d4,d3
Add.w d3,d3
Move.w (a2,d3.w),(a0)+
Addq.w #1,d7
Cmp.w #160,d7
Bls TabInitLoop9
DoZoomIn Add.w d0,d0 ; Get size val
Lea ColCalcTab(pc),a2
Move.w #$9f,d6
Sub.w (a2,d0.w),d6 ; Use size as offset for
; data table pickup
Move.l a0,a2
Move.l a1,a3
Move.w d6,d7 ; Get horizontal position
Not.w d7 ; to start horiz scrolling
And.w #$f,d7
Lsr.w #4,d6
Move.w d6,d5
Add.w d5,d5
Moveq #38,d0
Sub.w d5,d0
Move.w d6,d1
Add.w #$c801,d1
Bsr WaitBlitter
Move.l #$fffffffe,$44(a6)
Movem.l a0/a1,$50(a6)
Move.w d0,$64(a6)
Move.w d0,$66(a6)
Move.l #$19f00000,$40(a6)
Move.w d1,$58(a6) ; Scroll data inwards at
; horizontal point
Adda.w d5,a0
Adda.w d5,a1
Move.w #0,d4
Bset d7,d4
Subq.w #1,d4
Moveq #38,d2
Bsr WaitBlitter
Movem.l a0/a1,$50(a6)
Move.l a1,$4c(a6)
Move.w d2,$62(a6)
Move.w d2,$64(a6)
Move.w d2,$66(a6)
Move.w #$ffff,$46(a6)
Move.w d4,$70(a6)
Move.w #$0de4,$40(a6) ; Blitter clip line to make
Move.w #$c801,$58(a6) ; it look nice..
Moveq #18,d2
Sub.w d5,d2
Beq GetNextBlit ; is copy necessary?
Moveq #40,d3
Sub.w d2,d3
Sub.w d2,d3
Add.w #$c800,d2 ; move on a screen or so.
Addq.w #2,a0
Addq.w #2,a1
Bsr WaitBlitter
Movem.l a0/a1,$50(a6) ; blit it all back so it
Move.w d3,$64(a6) ; looks nice and smooooth
Move.w d3,$66(a6)
Move.w #$09f0,$40(a6)
Move.w d2,$58(a6)
GetNextBlit Lea $7d00-2(a2),a2 ; now do the same to the
Lea $7d00-2(a3),a3 ; opposite side of the
Bsr WaitBlitter ; screen..
Movem.l a2/a3,$50(a6)
Move.w #$7fff,$46(a6)
Move.w d0,$64(a6)
Move.w d0,$66(a6)
Move.l #$19f00002,$40(a6)
Move.w d1,$58(a6) ; Blit scroll inwards to
; centre
Eori.w #$f,d7
Addq.w #1,d7
Move.w #0,d4 ; calculate clip for blit
Bset d7,d4
Subq.w #1,d4
Not.w d4
Moveq #38,d2
Suba.w d5,a2
Suba.w d5,a3
Bsr WaitBlitter
Movem.l a2/a3,$50(a6) ; clip it so theres no
Move.l a3,$4c(a6) ; nasty remains
Move.w d2,$62(a6)
Move.w d2,$64(a6)
Move.w d2,$66(a6)
Move.w #$ffff,$46(a6)
Move.w d4,$70(a6)
Move.w #$0de4,$40(a6)
Move.w #$c801,$58(a6) ; hehe, all gone..
DoZoomOut Lea ColCalcTab(pc),a2
Add.w d0,d0
Move.w d0,-(sp)
Move.w #$9f,d6
Sub.w (a2,d0.w),d6 ; find our data with the
; Size value again
Move.l a0,a2
Move.l a1,a3
Move.w d6,d7
And.w #$f,d7
Lsr.w #4,d6
Move.w d6,d5
Add.w d5,d5
Lea 38(a0),a0
Lea 38(a1),a1
Suba.w d5,a0
Suba.w d5,a1
Moveq #38,d0 ; work out horizontal pos
Sub.w d5,d0 ; for blitter scrolling
Move.w d6,d1
Add.w #$c801,d1
Lea $Dff000,a6
Bsr WaitBlitter
Move.l #$ffffffff,$44(a6)
Movem.l a0/a1,$50(a6)
Move.w d0,$64(a6) ; scroll the piccy out
Move.w d0,$66(a6) ; towards the edges...
Move.l #$19f00000,$40(a6)
Move.w d1,$58(a6)
Lea $7d00-4(a2),a0
Lea $7d00-2(a3),a1
Suba.w d5,a0
Suba.w d5,a1
Move.w #0,d4 ; work out where gap is..
Addq.w #1,d7
Bset d7,d4
Subq.w #1,d7
Subq.w #1,d4
Not.w d4
Lea $Dff000,a6
Moveq #38,d2
Bsr WaitBlitter
Move.l a1,$4c(a6)
Move.l a1,$50(a6) ; fill in the gap left
Move.l a1,$54(a6) ; behind by the scroll with
Move.w d2,$62(a6) ; a new line from the
Move.w d2,$64(a6) ; origional piccy!!
Move.w d2,$66(a6)
Move.w d4,$70(a6)
Move.l #$1de40002,$40(a6)
Move.w #$c801,$58(a6)
Subq.w #2,a1
Moveq #18,d2
Sub.w d5,d2
Beq GetNextBlit1
Moveq #40,d3
Sub.w d2,d3
Sub.w d2,d3
Bsr WaitBlitter ; Copy to make the screen
Movem.l a0/a1,$50(a6) ; a wee bit tidier..
Move.w d3,$64(a6)
Move.w d3,$66(a6)
Move.w d2,d3
Add.w #$c800,d2
Move.w #$09f0,$40(a6)
Move.w d2,$58(a6)
Add.w d3,d3
Suba.w d3,a0
Suba.w d3,a1
GetNextBlit1 Bsr WaitBlitter ; do a scroll on the opposite
Movem.l a0/a1,$50(a6) ; side of the screen to make
Move.w d0,$64(a6) ; things look even again..
Move.w d0,$66(a6)
Move.w #$19f0,$40(a6)
Move.w d1,$58(a6)
Lea (a3,d5.w),a1
Moveq #38,d2 ; oops, our scrolling action
Move.w #0,d4 ; seems to have left an
Eori.w #$f,d7 ; empty line again, lets
Bset d7,d4 ; do the decent thing and
Subq.w #1,d4 ; fill it up shall we??
Lea $Dff000,a6
Bsr WaitBlitter
Move.l a1,$4c(a6)
Move.l a1,$50(a6)
Move.l a1,$54(a6)
Move.w d2,$62(a6)
Move.w d2,$64(a6)
Move.w d2,$66(a6)
Move.w d4,$70(a6)
Move.l #$1de40000,$40(a6)
Move.w #$c801,$58(a6) ; yes, fill it in with GFX!
Move.w (sp)+,d0
Lea ZoomerTab(pc),a2
Move.w (a2,d0.w),d6
Move.w #$9f,d1
Sub.w d6,d1
Move.w d1,d2 ; now then, we'll have to
Not.w d2 ; make shure its all there
And.w #$f,d2 ; (GFX that is)
Lsr.w #4,d1
Add.w d1,d1
Lea (a4,d1.w),a0 ; are we approaching last
Lea (a3,d5.w),a1 ; blit???
Bsr LastBlit
Neg.w d1
Lea 38(a4,d1.w),a0
Neg.w d5
Lea 38(a3,d5.w),a1
Eor #$f,d7
Eor #$f,d2
Bsr LastBlit
LastBlit Move.w #0,d4 ; do final clean up operation
Bset d7,d4
Move.w d2,d3
Sub.w d7,d3
Bmi DoDescend ; hmm, i'm going the other
; way thankyouverymuch.
Ror.w #4,d3
Or.w #$0de4,d3
Bsr WaitBlitter
Movem.l a0/a1,$50(a6)
Move.l a1,$4c(a6)
Move.w d3,$40(a6)
Move.w #0,$42(a6)
Move.w d4,$70(a6)
Move.w #$c801,$58(a6)
DoDescend Neg.w d3 ; opposite direction, GFX
Ror.w #4,d3 ; line filled..
Or.w #$0de4,d3
Lea 799*40(a0),a0 ; point to the end of piccy
Lea 799*40(a1),a1 ; as mr. blitters going
; backwards!!!
Bsr WaitBlitter
Movem.l a0/a1,$50(a6)
Move.l a1,$4c(a6)
Move.w d3,$40(a6)
Move.w #2,$42(a6)
Move.w d4,$70(a6)
Move.w #$c801,$58(a6)
KillSys Bsr.s SysWait
Move.l $4,a6
Lea GFXName(pc),a1
Moveq #0,d0
Jsr -552(a6)
Lea OldCop1(pc),a5
Move.l $26(a0),$0(a5)
Move.l $32(a0),$4(a5)
Lea HardWare,a6
Move.w IntEnaR(a6),d0
Move.w DMAConR(a6),d1
Or.w #$8000,d0
And.w #$03ff,d1
Or.w #$8000,d1
Move.w d0,$8(a5)
Move.w d1,$a(a5)
Move.w #$7fff,IntEna(a6)
Move.w #$7fff,DMACon(a6)
SysWait Move.w #15,d7
SysWaitLoop Move.l #$05000,d1
Bsr.s WaitVBL
Bsr.s DoWaitVBL
Dbf d7,SysWaitLoop
DoWaitVBL Move.l #$03000,d1
WaitVBL Movem.l d0-d1/a6,-(sp)
Lea HardWare,a6
WaitVBLLoop Move.l VPosR(a6),d0
And.l #$1ff00,d0
Cmp.l d1,d0
Bne.s WaitVBLLoop
Movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1/a6
ReturnSys Lea HardWare,a6
Move.w OldIntEna(pc),IntEna(a6)
Move.w OldDMACon(pc),DMACon(a6)
Move.l OldCop1(pc),Cop1lc(a6)
Move.l OldCop2(pc),Cop2lc(a6)
GFXName Dc.b "graphics.library",0
OldCop1 Dc.l 0
OldCop2 Dc.l 0
OldIntEna Dc.w 0
OldDmaCon Dc.w 0
SizeVal Dc.w 0 ; our luverly screen size
ZoomerTab Dcb.w 160,0 ; X Co-ords for zoom scroll
ColCalcTab Dcb.w 160,0 ; X Co-ords for filling
LineBaseTab Dcb.w 160,0 ; Base for line pos calcs
WordTab Dc.w 0,5,7,3,9,1,6,4,8,2 ; Word order
BitMapTab Dc.w 8,12,4,14,2,10,6,15 ; Pixel order
Dc.w 0,3,13,5,11,9,7,1 ; (both for blitter)
ScreenBase Dc.l $c0000 ; Piccy buffer 1
ScreenBase1 Dc.l $c7e40 ; Piccy buffer 2
PiccyCols Dc.w 0,$fff,$eee,$ddd,$ccc,$bbb,$aaa,$999
Dc.w $888,$777,$666,$555,$444,$333,$222,$111
Dc.l 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
Cmv Macro
Dc.w \2,\1
Cwt Macro
Dc.w (\1*$100)+$01,$fffe
Pal Macro
Dc.w $ffe1,$fffe
EndCop Macro
Dc.w $ffff,$fffe
ZoomCopper Cwt $15
Cmv $0200,BplCon0
Cmv $00bb,BplCon1
Cmv $000a,BplCon2
Cmv $0034,DdfStrt
Cmv $00c8,DdfStop
Cmv $1651,DiwStrt
Cmv $36c1,DiwStop
Cmv $78,BplMod1
Cmv $78,BplMod2
Cwt $25
CopperCols Cmv $0000,Color00
Cmv $0fff,Color01
Cmv $0000,Color02
Cmv $0fff,Color03
Cmv $0000,Color04
Cmv $0fff,Color05
Cmv $0000,Color06
Cmv $0fff,Color07
Cmv $0000,Color08
Cmv $0fff,Color09
Cmv $0000,Color10
Cmv $0fff,Color11
Cmv $0000,Color12
Cmv $0fff,Color13
Cmv $0000,Color14
Cmv $0fff,Color15
Cmv $0000,Color16
Cmv $0fff,Color17
Cmv $0000,Color18
Cmv $0fff,Color19
Cmv $0000,Color20
Cmv $0fff,Color21
Cmv $0000,Color22
Cmv $0fff,Color23
Cmv $0000,Color24
Cmv $0fff,Color25
Cmv $0000,Color26
Cmv $0fff,Color27
Cmv $0000,Color28
Cmv $0fff,Color29
Cmv $0000,Color30
Cmv $0fff,Color31
CopperBPLS Cmv $0,BplPt0h
Cmv $0,BplPt0l
Cmv $0,BplPt1h
Cmv $0,BplPt1l
Cmv $0,BplPt2h
Cmv $0,BplPt2l
Cmv $0,BplPt3h
Cmv $0,BplPt3l
Cmv $0,BplPt4h
Cmv $0,BplPt4l
Cwt $3f
CopperBCon Cmv $0200,BplCon0
CopperMods Ds.w 202*6 ; Copper instructions for
; bitplane use
PicZoomList Dcb.w 202,0 ; Y co-ord line base
ModTabList Dcb.l 161,0 ; Modulo pointers
ModuloTab Dcb.b 33044 ; Pre-calced modulos!
ZoomBitmap Incbin df0:BitMaps/Transorb.Raw ; piccy!
****Custom Chip Registers****
Hardware = $Dff000
;Control Registers
Dmaconr = $002
Vposr = $004
Vhposr = $006
Joy0dat = $00A
Joy1dat = $00C
Clxdat = $00E
Intenar = $01C
Intereqr = $01E
Copcon = $02E
;Blitter Registers
Bltcon0 = $040
Bltcon1 = $042
Bltafwm = $044
Bltalwm = $046
Bltcpth = $048
Bltcptl = $04A
Bltbpth = $04C
Bltbptl = $04E
Bltapth = $050
Bltaptl = $052
Bltdpth = $054
Bltdptl = $056
Bltsize = $058
Bltcmod = $060
Bltbmod = $062
Bltamod = $064
Bltdmod = $066
Bltcdat = $070
Bltbdat = $072
Bltadat = $074
;Copper Registers
Cop1lc = $080
Cop1lch = $080
Cop1lcl = $082
Cop2lc = $084
Cop2lch = $084
Cop2lcl = $086
Copjmp1 = $088
Copjmp2 = $08A
Diwstrt = $08E
Diwstop = $090
Ddfstrt = $092
Ddfstop = $094
Dmacon = $096
Clxcon = $098
Intena = $09A
Intreq = $09C
;BitPlane Registers
BplCon0 = $100
BplCon1 = $102
BplCon2 = $104
BplMod1 = $108
BplMod2 = $10a
BplPt0h = $0e0
BplPt0l = $0e2
BplPt1h = $0e4
BplPt1l = $0e6
BplPt2h = $0e8
BplPt2l = $0ea
BplPt3h = $0ec
BplPt3l = $0ee
BplPt4h = $0f0
BplPt4l = $0f2
BplPt5h = $0f4
BplPt5l = $0f6
;Colour Registers
Color00 = $180
Color01 = $182
Color02 = $184
Color03 = $186
Color04 = $188
Color05 = $18a
Color06 = $18c
Color07 = $18e
Color08 = $190
Color09 = $192
Color10 = $194
Color11 = $196
Color12 = $198
Color13 = $19a
Color14 = $19c
Color15 = $19e
Color16 = $1a0
Color17 = $1a2
Color18 = $1a4
Color19 = $1a6
Color20 = $1a8
Color21 = $1aa
Color22 = $1ac
Color23 = $1ae
Color24 = $1b0
Color25 = $1b2
Color26 = $1b4
Color27 = $1b6
Color28 = $1b8
Color29 = $1ba
Color30 = $1bc
Color31 = $1be
EcsNop = $1fe